The 3 S’s
Sex Saves the Soul
As a latter day saint which was not raised in the Church, I was exposed and encounter with many things in life that brought a big question in my head, what sex will required and what it will be like when encounter with those feelings? How should I react to such feelings, and is it right to do it?. I got baptized in the Church of JesusChrist of latter day saints when I was 15 and I was very privileged to have wonderful leaders in our youth program which help us all of as young woman to prepare for that special day and to make sure we understood the answers of those questions. Today I can say it is right, when married with the right person. Things will naturally happen and as long as we both feel comfortable with it, the frequency of it will be determine by the spouses.
When I was entering college, many of my friends, were my age, 19 years old and they all were very sexually active with many people at a time and not just with one. For me, not only because of what I have been taught but with the feeling I had inside of me, I work hard to keep clean and ready for that one person I was going to meet one day and decide to share my life with. I must say it wasn’t easy. I had a couple of boyfriends that were not members of the Church, which didn’t believe the same things I did, so It was hard for them to understand why, however they always respected me and my beliefs and never forced me to do anything I didn’t want to or that it wasn’t acceptable with what I believe to be true and right. However, having those feeling is not super interstellar or out of the norm, they are actually necessary to fulfill the purpose of sexual intimacy, those days taught me a big lesson, if it is the right time and after being married with the proper authority, those feeling become more sacred than anything else, not only because they will help us to fulfill one of the biggest commandments to love thy neighbor as thy self and to multiply and replenish he earth which both are vital in a marriage relation and friendship.
Years past by and it was when I turned 27 that I had my dream come true. I was married in the temple and started my biggest adventure with my best friend. Little that I know everything I have been learning about intimacy was just the basics, everything else I was going to learn it was going to happen by personal conviction.
When It comes to intimacy, I feel it comes to one of the most sacred things a couple can experiment. Also we have the most pure yet true feelings in such act. Team Work, understanding, communication, each one’s personalities, compassionate feelings, sharing burdens, balancing life struggles and stresses and becoming one in one simple act is all part of it. Is very important that all of us as members and no members of the Church understand the powers that come with it.
In this changing world, now more than ever is important to be open, clear and detailed with our children and youth about what to expect and when to expected. The World see it as a normal thing and natural passion to be share with whoever is your lucky date that night. IS NOT LIKE THIS. Intimacy, intercourse or sex, whatever name we want to give it is to be share with in the walls of the holy matrimony and with the one and only person we are married with. This thought will be the one that will revive our life, strengthen our spirit and save our souls with its fulfilling power.
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