Since I joined the Church my dream was always to find that wonderful guy and getting married on the temple, but never imagine the implication that will bring. Living a higher standard life, working hard towards my spiritual goals and temporal progress. Were many years that passed by and I started to worry myself thinking If one day actually I was going to have that blessing, the blessing of making covenants in the temple with that one and only person I wanted to spend e=my forever with. I was for the Church timing old at 25 and no married, for the work standard I was a baby starting to live, it was at that time that I figured preparation was a key and it was not only required for that man to be faithful but for me to be prepared to make those covenants and receive those blessings. It was then that I realized time was valuable and I wasn’t getting old but that actually the Lord was giving me time to prepare and be ready for starting the best travel of my life. The ride presented itself as a wonderful opportunity and it did brought a lot of responsibilities with it.
Marriage presented in the world now a days is presented as a trial period ( If lucky enough to get that far and not only cohabit ate) , If it works is wonderful and if it doesn't is not the end of history but the beginning of a new story, you leave, break it and move on. But, how are we so fast to forget the importance of hard work, diligence and dedication. Not wonderful thing has come in an essay way. Labor itself is a the hardest work we can even go through in order to receive the blessings of a new life joining our family, so why something so sacred, unique and necessary as marriage needed to be an easy labor?. People now days have to understand that the institution of marriage should be establish from two people willing to work hard together, lift each other, encourage each other and willing to through flawless and hardships stick together. Contracts can be renew or nulled covenants are a sacred responsibility.
With marriage comes the roles of each member, husband and wife is responsible on understanding those and acting upon them. One of the roles will be honoring the priesthood, which is God’s authority to act on his name. What a blessing we have as women in Zion to count with such a privilege. Our role of motherhood is as sacred as the authority they hold to act in His name, so is our responsibility to do whatever we can to make marriage work and receive eternal life as a forever family.